The Eventide Center for Faith & Investing comes from years of work in the world of investing and years of thinking about how investing serves God’s purposes in the world.

Our Story

We launched Eventide Asset Management in 2008 to provide values-based investments rooted in a biblical worldview. Today Eventide is recognized as one of the leaders in faith-based investing.

With the 2021 launch of the Eventide Center for Faith & Investing (ECFI), we hope to share more broadly our understanding of what faithful investing looks like — based both on a deeply biblical examination of God’s intent for investing, and on the learnings from our years of vocational practice.

Our Mission
ECFI exists to help Christians understand and practice biblically faithful investing.
Our Focus
  • Courses

    We educate on a biblical approach to investing through our courses for both Individuals and Financial Advisors.

  • Journal

    We write and publish articles and interviews exploring the theology and practice of faithful investing.

  • Resources

    We commission and highlight resources to help advance the understanding and practice of faithful investing.

Our Vision For Investing
“If the biblical story does not control our thinking, then we will be swept into the story that the world tells about itself.”
— Lesslie Newbigin

The world’s story for investing is the pursuit of maximum risk-adjusted returns. But what does God’s story say about how we should invest?

In God’s story, we see three primary callings that shape a biblical vision for investing:

Our Team
Our Contributors

To help advance a biblical vision for investing, we’ve invited thought leaders from in and around the world of faith and investing to lend their voice to the Journal.